"You cannot be wimpy out there on the dream-seeking trail. Dare to break through barriers, to find your own path." -- Les Brown
I was hurriedly making my way through the Toronto airport in high-heeled boots wearing a black and white short Kimono style wrap-dress when a flight attendant cheerfully remarked, "Love your dress!" I smiled and said "Thanks!" and gesturing with my hand to suggest quotation marks, added "my robe" with a wink. I heard her call back, "It's workin' for ya!" It took only 7 little words from a stranger to go from hustling through the airport to feeling like I was floating on clouds! Seconds later my bliss was interrupted as it occurred to me, "OMG! How embarrassing, what if she really thought I was wearing my robe?!" I wanted to shout, "I'm kidding!" It's an inside joke! (The first time I pulled it off the rack my not-so-fashion-savvy husband commented unenthusiastically "looks like a robe.") If the flight attendant had been closer, I would have felt compelled to explain this to her. But it gave me the opportunity to consider, "Does it really matter?" In fact, I got to thinking it would have actually been even better if it really WAS a robe! How cool would it be to 'rock a robe' to the point people complimented your 'dress'! It's funny how I almost ruined the moment by second-guessing and being worried about being embarrassed.
Sometimes people give me a funny look when I take my Celtic Sea Salt on trips with me, or drink my VegeGreens or tote my kettlebell on vacation. But the small ways I've come to value my health through fitness and clean eating is important to me. When it comes to my health, I've gotten over being embarrassed about embracing healthy eating and uncommon fitness habits. I'm from MN where people are known for being too nice to tell you they don't like something. Instead they say, "that's different." I encourage you to be true to yourself even if it means being different. I've discovered there is "different" and then there's "different, in a good way."
If I'd ditched my funky dress based on my husband's lackluster first impression, I'd have missed out on some fun compliments! Especially the one that came when I got to customs and the officer playfully called out to me, "Supermodels right this way!" OK, gotta love that one! Floating on Cloud 9 right about now. How funny, I mean really, have you seen the crazy get-ups those super models wear?
OMG! Do you think he thought I was wearing my robe?! Oh well! If so, even better! ;-