With 3 kids less than 3 years of age, NBC Channel 4's Eun Yang is definitely busy! Eun confessed exercising isn't one of her favorite activities, however like all of us she DOES enjoy holiday foods! Ryan shared his secret weapon for staying fit and avoiding "Seasonal Bulge" with his KettleWorx 20 minute workouts! With Ryan's "Gunslingers" all of D.C. is well armed to fight flab for the New Year!

KettleWorx Fact: In 1981 Russia made it mandatory for the populous to perform Kettlebell exercises to increase fitness and to lower the countries health care costs!


"When I get emotional, I head straight to the ice cream, but instead of eating the entire container and getting fat - I throw it!! Works every time!"

-- Kathryn K (KettleWorx User)


This is the time of year when "other people" start slacking and give themselves the EXCUSE to lower their standards when it comes to exercise. Their plan is to get back to work when the holidays are over. I'm challenging you to CRANK UP your exercise efforts and spend New Year's Eve celebrating resolutions ACHIEVED in 2009! By building momentum early, you'll be unstoppable in 2K10! You don't have to pass on parties and hors d'ouevres altogether. As we discussed in the Halloween newsletter, you really can have it ALL for ONE day. After that day, it's time to make sure you stay on track with your KettleWorx transformation. As your trainer, I strongly suggest after you've indulged in your day of feasting, TOSS out the leftover chips, candies, ice creams - whatever it may be to reduce temptation. The mantra I use in my kitchen, "Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of cupboards, Out of mouth!" When emotions run rampant, rather than throwing away your health initiatives, toss out any foods that sabotage your success. Then Turbo-Charge your conviction by turning up the heat on your next KettleWorx workout and do an extra 10-Minute Fast Fat Burn for good measure!

You've got 6 weeks until the crystal ball drops in Times Square! Make this Holiday Season EXTRA special by being in the best shape that you've ever been in!

To Your Success!!


We're on a Nationwide search for KettleWorx Success Stories. Thousands of happy KettleWorx users are getting great results with the program...we want to hear from you!

Shoot us an email or simply pick up the phone and give us a call on the NEW KettleWorx Testimonial Hotline. Leave us a message and you could be one of our next Featured Testimonials in our Nationally Televised KettleWorx Commercial. Keep those submissions coming! We love hearing from you!

KETTLETIPS - The "S.W.A.T. LUNGE" will scorch more calories and trim inches off your hips!

>>>Grip: Hold the corner of the kettlebell with your left hand.

>>>Lunge: Left leg lunges back and pass the kettlebell under your front leg to your right hand.

>>>Stand: Return to upright standing position. Good posture. Squeeze the glutes.

>>>Repeat: Alternate now with Right leg lunging back and passing kettlebell under the front leg to your left hand. Do 30-40 reps total for 1-2 sets.

RYAN'S SUPERFOODS: Holiday Inspired!

Turkey: The skinless white meat is an excellent high-protein, low-fat food. Turkey is a very good source of selenium, niacin, vitamin B6, zinc and vitamin B12. Eating Turkey can improve your mood and strengthen your immune system.

Pumpkin: Did you know Pumpkins are 90 percent water!! Pumpkins contain lots of the anti-oxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy acids which helps to reduce the signs of aging.

Cranberries: Scientific research is revealing how healthful cranberries can be. Packed with nutrients like antioxidants and other natural compounds, cranberries are a great choice for the health conscious consumer. Include more cranberries in your diet today and start getting significant amounts of antioxidants and other phytonutrients that may help protect against heart disease and cancer.

RYAN'S SUPERFOOD RECIPE: Low Calorie - Low Fat Cranberry Sauce

Cranberry sauce is a favorite dish to serve with holiday meals. This is a very quick recipe will make it easy for you to add this healthy and delicious cranberry sauce to your meal without much effort.

Prep and Cook Time: 15 Minutes

  • 1 cup fresh orange juice
  • 1 tsp minced fresh ginger
  • 1 tsp minced orange zest
  • 1/4 tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2 cup crushed pineapple
  • 1/2 cup honey
  • 12 oz bag of fresh or frozen cranberries

Directions: Bring orange juice, ginger, zest and cinnamon to a boil on high heat in a medium saucepan. Rinse cranberries and add once liquid is boiling. Reduce heat to medium and cook uncovered for about 10 minutes. Add crushed pineapple and honey. Remove from heat and cool. Yields 2 cups.


We get asked every day ... I love KettleWorx and have completed the 1st Six Week Program. What's next? KettleWorx Advance! is for those who have completed the Six Week Body Transformation and are ready to take kettlebell training - and total body fitness - to the next level!

With KettleWorx Advance! you'll receive an additional six weeks of personal kettlebell training - including 18 entirely new workouts with nearly 100 more advanced kettlebell exercises.


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KettleWorx 8800 Highway 7 Suite 408 Minneapolis, MN 55426 1-866-903-0993