Archive for June, 2009

KettleWorx KettleBell Program on GMTV

Monday, June 1st, 2009

Sunday was spent scouting Venice Beach, CA for the GMTV filming we were doing the following morning. GMTV is to the U.K. what the Today Show is to the U.S.

The timing is exciting as we celebrate the expansion of our KettleWorx operations with our new London based distribution center. And if you are wondering WHY Venice Beach for a U.K. airing…let me just say:

1) Celebrity Intrigue—we all want to know how celebrities look so sensational with their busy schedules. What’s their secret? (KETTLEBELLS!)

2) Muscle Beach—the mecca of traditional body building, where world famous athletes like Arnold Schwarzenegger have trained is a great contrast to the KettleWorx approach. Instead of hours focusing on specific muscles and bulking up, KettleWorx focuses on hybrid exercises that work on your core, cardio and resistance training all at the SAME time to give you long, lean and sculpted muscles in 20 minute workouts!

3) Lastly…”You haven’t seen it all until you’ve seen Venice, CA!” There are street vendors, magicians, fortune tellers, artists, body builders, families and the most amazing roller-skaters just to name a few! At sunset the sound of drums called us to a gathering of a few hundred people who gather to jam. Most play drums some play other instruments, some dance and others just observe. We didn’t happen to have our drums, but that didn’t stop us from joining in with the kettlebell! As they say, “When in Rome(or VENICE) …”

The day was full of energy and excitement—but the best was yet to come! At 8:39 pm we were shaking with the Hawthorne Earthquake. It was only 15 seconds, but the 4.7 quake was fun while it lasted! Even the fish in the massive aquarium were sloshing around! I’ve included a photo of the aquarium to give you an idea what kind of shaking it took to get the water sloshing around in that massive tank!

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